Core-Drilling for Corridor H
Campaign for an Environmental Assessment for Core Drilling on the Monongahela National Forest
Use the form below to send a letter to the US Forest Service WVDOT Liaison requesting an environmental assessment. Feel free to add any reason the Monongahela National Forest is important to you and why it deserves a full environmental review with public input.
Background Information
The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection’s Division of Water and Waste Management is holding a virtual public hearing and comment period for Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.'s application for an WV NPDES Water Pollution Control Permit Modification. The proposed modification involves adding 11.2 acres of earth disturbance to the existing permit for access roads, drilling pads, and lay down areas on the Monongahela National Forest associated with the Parsons-Davis Core Boring Project, and will discharge treated stormwater into an unnamed tributary of Roaring Run, Slip Hill Run, Mill Run, Big Run, Tub Run, the North Fork of the the Blackwater River, Pendleton Creek, and Beaver Creek.
Related Maps
(click to enlarge)
Core-Drilling Permit 1
Core-Drilling Permit 1 Amended
Core-Drilling Permit 1 Amended
What Stands to be Negatively Impacted

Round-leaved Sundew

North Fork of the Blackwater River

Purple Pitcher Plants

Cheat Mountain Salamander

North Fork of the Blackwater River

Big Run Bog

Small Green Wood Orchid

Big Run Bog

Golden Club

Pink Lady's Slipper Orchid
Big Run Gorge

VA Big-eared Bat - Larisa Bishop-Boros

Big Run