Friends of Blackwater is dedicated to conserving vital habitats for rare species and advocating for policies like the Endangered Species Act and Extinction Prevention Act—ensuring West Virginia and the Highlands stay 'wild and wonderful' for future generations.
Want to learn more about the wildlife of the Blackwater River Watershed?

Four-Toed Salamander

Green Salamander

Cheat Mountain Salamander

Northern Azure Butterfly

European Skipper Butterfly

Yellow Warbler

Cheat Mountain Salamander

American Copper Butterfly

Northern Long-Eared Bat

West Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel


Orange Sulphur

Appalachian Brown Butterfly

Red-Eyed Vireo

American Snout Butterfly

Pine Warbler

Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly

Crimson-Winged Whiteface Dragonfly

Allegheny Mountain Dusky Salamander

Gray Comma Butterfly

Cedar Waxwing

West Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel
Northern Two-lined Salamander
Black-throated Green Warbler
Wehrle's Salamander

Red-spotted Newt

Common Whitetail

Bar-winged Skimmer

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

West Virginia White

Northern Parula

Northern Slimy Salamander

Smooth Greensnake

Eastern Milksnake

Blue Jay

Eastern Gartersnake

Carolina Wren

Winter Wren